Barb Hendricks, City of Tomah Deputy Treasurer
Describe your current government position.
I am the Deputy Treasurer for the City of Tomah. I’ve been with the city since 2014, and I’m proud to be a part of a team which serves a population of 9,424.
Why did you accept a public administration position?
I wanted to help make a difference in our community. I felt this profession would offer an opportunity for me to provide the highest level of service, financial precision, and community support while providing personal integrity to our residence.
How has MTAW helped in your career development?
The MTAW has offered excellence educational opportunities through the spring and fall conferences, scholarship funding for UWGB Wisconsin Municipal Treasurers institute, invaluable networking and friendships that will last a lifetime.
What is the most challenging aspect about your current position?
One of the most challenging aspects is the never ending need for funds. We are constantly looking for ways to be good stewards of our funds in order to encompass our needs to create growth and positive change.
What are you most passionate about as a leader in public administration?
I’m very passionate about making a difference, lending a hand, learning & sharing knowledge and empowering & helping others.
Describe the most interesting experience you have had in public administration.
Working in the position, I’m afforded the chance to experience many interesting experiences, but as we all know most of which I shouldn’t share.
What is on your wish list or agenda for the next 5-10 years for your municipality?
Having the opportunity to help our community continue to grow and thrive. By working to promote a safe, welcoming city that people are proud to call home.
Share a proud job-related moment.
I’m very proud that I took the opportunity to complete my three year UWGB Wisconsin Treasurers institute. The institute is an investment in my career, my community and my future.
How or where do you like to spend your time to recharge yourself?
I love to spend my time with friends, my family and making memories with my Grandchildren.
What three words best describe you?
Loving, Giving, Creative.
What advice/tips do you have for new treasurers?
Take advantage of any and all educational opportunities. Reach out to your fellow Treasurer. The relationship you develop will provide you with support, networking contacts when you have concerns and they will be there when you just need a friend!
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